var currentCultureKey = 'en'; var nonDefaultCultures = ['es','zh-CN','zh-TW']; window.___gcfg = { lang: currentCultureKey, parsetags: 'onload' }; var labels = { accessCodeAbbreviation: 'Acc. Code', accommodation: 'Accommodation', accreditation: 'Accreditation', achievements: 'Achievements', achievementManagement: 'Achievement Management', action: 'Action', actions: 'Actions', active: 'Active', actual: 'Actual', actualMoves: 'Move-Ins/Out', actualMovesFormat: 'Move-Ins/Out | {0}', add: 'Add', addRipple: 'Add Ripple', addStatusReport: 'Add Status Report', addToLeadershipTeam: 'Add to leadership team', addToOutlook: 'Add {0} to Outlook/Calendar', addToResponseTeam: 'Add to emergency response team', addYearFormat: 'Add {0}...', adHocTasks: 'Ad Hoc', adjustProjectDates: 'Adjust Project Date(s)', agree: 'Agree', aggregate: 'Aggregate', all: 'All', allAssignmentTypes: 'All (Including Assigned But Not Required)', allAwards: 'All Awards', allBusinessUnits: 'All Levels of Care', allCommunityResources: 'All Community Resources', allDepartments: 'All Departments', allFtags: 'All F-Tags', allMyOrganizations: 'All of My Communities', allNationalResources: 'All National Resources', allOrganizations: 'All Communities', allPositions: 'All Positions', allStates: 'All States', allTimesGivenInTimeZone: 'All times given in {0}.', and: ' and ', andMore: 'and {0} more...', announcement: 'Announcement', announcementListing: 'Announcement Listing', announcements: 'Announcements', answer: 'Answer', any: 'Any', anyOutstanding: 'Any Outstanding', applicationName: 'Application Name', arrive: 'Arrive', article: 'Article', articleListing: 'Article Listing', articles: 'Articles', asOf: 'As of', assigned: 'Assigned', assignments: 'Assignments', assignedOnly: '[Assigned Only]', assignedToNumberOfAssociates: 'Assigned to {0} associates.', associate: 'Associate', associates: 'Associates', associateAwards: 'Associate Achievements', associateCount: 'Associate Count', associatesAreInProgress: '{0} associates are in-progress (but still incomplete).', associatesAreNotYetDue: '{0} associates are not yet due.', associatesArePastDue: '{0} associates are past due or expired.', associatesAreSoonDue: '{0} associates are soon due or expire soon.', associatesHaveCompleted: '{0} associates have completed.', associatesHaveCompletionForElectiveSkill: '{0} associates completed this skill (or are in-progress) as an elective.', attestationHistory: 'Attestation History', attestationNotRequired: 'Attestation Not Required', attestationRequirement: 'Attestation Requirement', attested: 'Attested', average: 'Average', award: 'Achievement', awardCommunityOnly: 'Community-Only', awardCompanyWide: 'WRC (Company-Wide)', awardDate: 'Achievement Date', awarded: 'Awarded', awardedBy: 'Awarded by', awardedByOwnerOnly: 'Awarded by Owner Only', awardedUser: 'Awarded User', awardListing: 'Achievement Listing', awards: 'Achievements', awardType: 'Achievement Type', beginningFrom: 'Beginning From', benchmark: 'Benchmark', benchmarkCommunity: '{0} (All Departments)', benchmarkDepartment: '{0} (All Communities)', bestPractice: 'Best Practice', bestPracticeListing: 'Best Practice Listing', bestPractices: 'Best Practices', binder: 'Binder', binderMergeSelection: 'Binder with which to merge:', binders: 'Binders', birthDate: 'Birth Date', birthday: 'Birthday', blankAttested: '{0} attested', blankCompleted: '{0} completed', blankDoNotRequireAttestation: '{0} not attestable', blankElectives: '{0} electives completed/in progress', blankInProgress: '{0} in progress', blankNotYetDue: '{0} not yet due', blankPastDue: '{0} past due', blankSoonDue: '{0} soon due', both: 'Both', bothInservicesAndNonInservices: 'Both In-services and learning experiences', briefInsights: 'Strategic Insights', briefInsightsOnCurrentFinancials: 'Strategic Insights on Financials', budget: 'Budget', budgetStrategy: 'Strategies to Achieve Financial Commitment', businessUnit: 'Level of Care', businessUnits: 'Levels of Care', by: 'by', byAssociate: 'By Associate', byBusinessUnit: 'By Level of Care', byInstructorsOrganization: 'By Instructors\' Community', byPlaceOfTraining: 'By Place Of Training', byPolicy: 'By Policy', byPosition: 'By Position', bySkill: 'By Skill', byWhen: 'By When', cancel: 'Cancel', candidate: 'Candidate', carousel: 'Carousel', category: 'Category', center: 'Center', centerOfExcellence: 'Center of Excellence', change: 'Change', changePassword: 'Change Password', chapter: 'Chapter', chapters: 'Chapters', cheers: 'Cheers', city: 'City', classContent: 'Instructor-Led Content', classroom: 'Classroom', classrooms: 'Classrooms', clickToChoose: 'Click to choose', coach: 'Coach', coachedKpis: 'Coached KPIs', coachedProjects: 'Coached Projects', coaching: 'Coaching', coachingCompletionReport: 'Coaching Completion Report', code: 'Code', colender: 'Co-lender', color: 'Color', comments: 'Comments', commitment: 'Key Performance Indicator', community: 'Community', communityAllDepartments: 'Community (all departments)', communityEntries: 'Community Entries', communityResources: 'Community Resources', competencies: 'Competencies', competency: 'Competency', competencyListing: 'Competency Listing', completeBy: 'Complete By', complete: 'Complete', completed: 'Completed', completedOn: 'Completed on {0}', completedStandardReviews: 'Completed Standard Reviews', completion: 'Completion', completionRecorders: 'Completion Recorders', completeReviewsAssignedTo: 'Complete reviews assigned to {0}', conditional: 'Conditional', conducted: 'Conducted', conferenceCallAbbreviation: 'Conf. Call', confirm: 'Confirm', confirmCancel: 'Confirm Cancel', confirmDeactivate: 'Confirm Deactivate', confirmDelete: 'Confirm Delete', confirmEdit:'Confirm Edit', confirmImpersonate:'Confirm Impersonate', confirmMerge: 'Confirm Merge', confirmNavigation: 'Confirm Navigation', confirmPurge: 'Confirm Purge', confirmRevoke: 'Confirm Revoke', confirmSaveMultiple: 'Are you sure you wish to save an award for multiple users?', confirmSelfCommitment: 'Save key performance indicator with Self as coach?', confirmSelfProject: 'Save project with Self as coach?', confirmSkipAllSurveys: 'Skip all and return to Connect', confirmTemplate: 'Confirm Template?', contractor: 'Contractor', coordinator: 'Coordinator', counter: 'Counter', county: 'County', createdBy: 'Created By', createdDate: 'Created Date', createdFromDate: 'Created From Date', createdToDate: 'Created To Date', current: 'Current', currentFormat: 'Current | {0}', currentScores: 'Current Scores', currentStandardReviews: 'Current Standard Reviews', currentStatus: 'Current Status', currentWinner: 'Current Winner', custom: 'Custom', dailyTrainingCalendar: 'Daily Training Calendar', date: 'Date', dateFilter1Year: 'Past year', dateFilter2Years: 'Past 2 years', dateFilter90Days: 'Past 90 days', day: 'Day', days: 'Days', decline: 'Decline', declined: 'Declined', default: 'Default', defaultAttestByDays: 'Default Attestation Requirement', defrockSkill: 'Remove Skill', delayed: 'Delayed', delete: 'Delete', deletePhoto:'Purge Photo', deleteUser: 'Delete User', depart: 'Depart', department: 'Department', departmentAllCommunities: 'Department (across all communities)', departmentManagement: 'Department Management', departmentName: 'Department Name', departments: 'Departments', description: 'Description', developmentPartner: 'Developer', directDialPhoneNumber: 'Direct Dial Phone Number', directReports: 'Direct Reports', disagree: 'Disagree', displayName: 'Display Name', displayPhotos: 'Display photos', document: 'Document', documentListing: 'Document Listing', documentNumber: 'Document Number', documents: 'Documents', documentType: 'Document Type', dontSend: 'Don\'t Send', download: 'Download', dropped: 'Dropped', dueOnDate: 'Due on {0}', dueSoonOrPastDue: 'Due Soon or Past Due', duration: 'Duration', earned: 'Earned', edOnly: 'ED only', edAndMd: 'ED/MD', edit: 'Edit', effectiveDate: 'Effective Date', effectiveThru: 'Effective {0} thru {1}', electiveInservicesCompleted: '{0} elective In-service(s) have been completed.', electivesSkillsCompletedOrInProgress: '{0} elective skill(s) have been completed or are in-progress.', email: 'Email', emailCalendar: 'Receive an email invite to this event.', emergencyResponseTeam: 'Emergency Response Team', employeeNumber: 'Employee Number', endDate: 'End Date', enteredBy: 'Entered By', enterpriseListing: 'Enterprise Listing', entireTeam: 'Entire Team', entryCount: 'Number of entries', event: 'Learning Event', eventDate: 'Event Date', eventListing: 'Event Listing', events: 'Learning Events', eventTime: 'Event Time', exceptionLog: 'Exception Log', exclude: 'Exclude', excludeNational: 'Exclude National', excludeRefreshers: 'Exclude Refreshers', excludesCoaching: 'Excludes Coaching', executiveDirector: 'Executive Director', expectations: 'Expectations', expected: 'Expected', expirationDate: 'Expiration Date', expirationPeriod: 'Expiration Period', ext: 'Ext.', facebook: 'Facebook', faq: 'FAQ', faqListing: 'FAQ Listing', faqs: 'FAQs', fileExtension: 'File Extension', filter: 'Filter', filterAdd: 'Filter & Add', financialPartner: 'Co-owner', firstName: 'First Name', focusArea: 'Focus Area', food: 'Food', for: 'for', frequency: 'Frequency', from: 'From', ftag: 'F-Tag', ftagManagement: 'F-Tag Management', ftags: 'F-Tags', full: 'Full', fullTime: 'Full Time', gap: 'Gap', general: 'General', googlePlusCircles: 'Google+ Circles', googlePlusHangouts: 'Google+ Hangouts', grantedCredit: 'Granted Credit', group: 'Group', groupInSlideshow: 'Group in Slideshow', guestsAndHosts: 'Guests and Hosts', guests: 'Guests', hasMissingRequiredVisionItems: 'Missing {0} required item(s)', hasResponses: 'Has Responses', hireDate: 'Hire Date', home: 'Home', hour: 'Hour', hours: 'Hours', host: 'Host', hosts: 'Hosts', hourly: 'Hourly', hours: 'Hours', icon: 'Icon', icons: 'Icons', id: 'ID', image: 'Image', impersonateThisUser: 'Emulate this user', inactive: 'Inactive', include: 'Include', incomplete:'Incomplete', incompleteElectiveSkill:'Incomplete Elective Skill', inDevelopment: '[In Development]', inProgress: 'In Progress', inProgressLabel: 'In progress', inservice: 'In-service', inserviceCompletionReport: 'In-service Completion Report', inserviceHours: 'In-service Hours', inserviceListing: 'In-service Listing', inserviceNumber: 'In-service Number', inservice: 'In-service', inservices: 'In-services', inservicesAreNotYetDue: '{0} In-service(s) are not yet due.', inservicesArePastDue: '{0} In-service(s) are past due or expired.', inservicesAreSoonDue: '{0} In-service(s) are soon due or expire soon.', inservicesHaveBeenCompleted: '{0} In-service(s) have been completed.', inservicesOnly: 'In-services only', instructor: 'Qualified Instructor', instructorLedClassFormats: 'Instructor-Led Class Formats', instructorListing: 'Qualified Instructor Listing', instructorQualificationTypes: 'Instructor Qualification Types', instructors: 'Qualified Instructors', isInUse:'Is In Use', isPartnerStatus: 'Partner Status', isSNF: 'Is SNF', isSystemGenerated:'System Generated', interval:'Interval', isTitleRequired:'Title is required', inverted:'Inverted', item:'item', keywords: 'Keywords', knowledgeCenter: 'Knowledge Center', knowledgeCenterFullListing: 'Knowledge Center Full Listing', knowledgeObject: 'Knowledge Item', knowledgeObjects: 'Knowledge Items', lastName: 'Last Name', lastSent: 'Last Sent', lastWeekOfTheMonth: 'Last Week of the Month', launch: 'Launch', launchOnlineTraining: 'Launch Online Training', lcAggregateAnnualStatisticsLabel: 'Statistics aggregated on {0} associates.', leaderboard: 'Leaderboard', leadershipTeam: 'Community Leadership Team', learningExperience: 'Learning Experience', learningExperienceCompletionReport: 'Learning Experience Completion Report', learningExperienceNumber: 'Learning Experience Number', learningExperiences: 'Learning Experiences', learningRecordReport: 'Learning Record Report', lineItem: 'Line Item', lenderGroup: 'Lender Group', link: 'Link', linkedIn: 'LinkedIn', links: 'Links', linksListing: 'Link Listing', list: 'List', loadAllData: 'Load all data', location: 'Location', logCount: 'Log Count', lookupValue: 'Lookup Value', lotteryCandidateList: 'Lottery Candidate Listing', lotteryDraw: 'Draw Lottery', lotteryResults: 'Lottery Results', lotteryType: 'Lottery Type', made:'Made', management:'Management', manageProfile: 'Manage Profile', manageVisionBoards: 'Manage Vision Boards', managingDirector: 'Managing Director', mdOnly:'MD only', meetingType: 'Meeting Type', memberKpis: 'Member KPIs', memberProjects: 'Member Projects', merge: 'Merge', message: 'Message', method: 'Method', methodName: 'Method Name', middleName: 'Middle Name', migrateStatusReports: 'Populate from Status Reports', milestones: 'Actions', minute: 'Minute', minutes: 'Minutes', missingVisionBoards: 'Missing on Vision Boards', mobile: 'Mobile', mobilePhoneNumber: 'Mobile Phone Number', module: 'Center', month: 'Month', monthlyTrainingCalendar: 'Monthly Training Calendar', months: 'Months', mostFrequentlyOpened: 'Most Frequently Opened', mostRecentlyOpened: 'Most Recently Opened', mostRecentScores: 'Most Recent Scores', mostRecentValue: 'Most Recent Value', mostRecentVersion: 'Most Recent Version', moveOuts: 'Move-Outs', moveOutsFormat: 'Move-Outs | {0}', mustBeCompletedOrMarkedNotComplete: 'must be completed or marked not complete', mustBeQualified: 'Must Be Qualified', mustEnterExpense: 'must enter {0} expense', mustHave: 'Must Have', myActions: 'My Actions', myAwards: 'My Achievements', myDocuments: 'My Documents', myDrive: 'My Drive', myPDev: 'My pDEV', myReviews: 'My Reviews', myTeam: 'My Team', myUpcomingMilestones: 'My Actions Past Due/Soon Due', name: 'Name', nationalInstructor: 'National Instructor', nationalInstructors: 'National Instructors', nationalResources: 'National Resources', naTooFewRespondents: 'N/A (too few respondents)', needsResponse: 'Needs Response', neitherAgreeNorDisagree: 'Neither agree nor disagree', never: 'Never', newDeposits: 'New Deposits', newDepositsFormat: 'New Deposits | {0}', newWinner: 'New Winner', nextDate: 'Next Date', no: 'No', noDueDate: 'No Due Date', noDurationSet: 'No Duration set', nOfXAccreditationReviewsComplete: '{0} of {1} Accreditation reviews complete', none: 'None', nonInserviceListing: 'Learning Experience Listing', nonInservicesOnly: 'Learning experiences only', nonRecurring: 'Non-Recurring', noOrganizations: 'No Communities', noPositions: 'No Positions', noRate: '"No" Rate', noSearchResults: 'No search results.', notApplicable: 'N/A', notDelayed: 'Not Delayed', notReady: 'Not Ready', notReviewed: 'Not Reviewed', notTaught: 'Not Taught', notYetDue: 'Not Yet Due', notYetDueLabel: 'Due on', numberAssociatesReportDirectly: '{0} associates report directly.', numberOfReviews: '# of Reviews', occupancyFormat: '{0} Occupancy', office: 'Office', officePhoneNumber: 'Office Phone Number', offline: 'Offline', ok: 'Ok', older: 'Older', on: 'on', onDemand: 'On Demand', onlineContent: 'Online Content', onlinePresentToGroup: 'Present to group', onlineQuizFailed: 'Quiz failed', onlineTakeForSelf: 'Complete my own training', only: 'Only', onlyAttestationRequired: 'Only Attestation Required', cnlyCoach: 'Only Coach', onlyNational: 'Only National', onlyOwner: 'Only Owner', onlyRefreshers: 'Refreshers Only', onlyShowLearningExperiencesRequiringCoaching: 'Only show LEs requiring coaching', open: 'Open', optional: 'Optional', operatingPrinciple:'Operating Principle', operatingPrinciples: 'Operating Principles', organization: 'Community', organizationManagement: 'Community Management', organizationName: 'Community Name', organizations: 'Communities', organizations: 'Communities', organizationVisionBoard: '{0} Vision Board', other: 'Other', ownedKpis: 'Owned KPIs', ownedProjects: 'Owned Projects', owner: 'Owner', ownerAndCoach: 'Owner and Coach', ownerGroup: 'Owner Group', partner360: 'Insights360°', partners: '360° Partners', partTime: 'Part Time', passwordRequirements: 'Password Requirements', passwordWarning: 'Password Warning', pastDue: 'Past Due', pastDueLabel: 'Past due', pastDueOnDate: 'Past Due on {0}', payrollCode: 'Payroll Code', pDevForUser: 'pDEV for {0}', pDevIHaveCoached: 'pDEV I Have Coached', pDevCoachedByUser: 'pDEV Coached by {0}', pDevTopic: 'pDEV Topic', pDevTopicManagement: 'pDEV Topic Management', peer: 'Peer', pendingReview: 'Pending Review', percentRespondents: '% of Respondents', performance: 'Performance', phone: 'Phone', photos: 'Photos', plan: 'Plan', policies: 'Policies', policiesAssigned: '{0} policies assigned', policiesAssignedCap: '{0} Policies Assigned', policiesInBinder: '{0} Policies in Binder', policy: 'Policy', policyAssignments: 'Policy Assignments', policyAttestation: 'Policy Attestation', policyListing: 'Policy Listing', policyNumber: 'Policy Number', portfolio: 'Portfolio', portfolioNeededPastDue: '{0} day(s) overdue', portfolioNeededSoon: 'Due in {0} day(s)', portfolioNeededToday: 'Due today', portfolioOtherTeam: '{0}\'s Team', portfoliosDueSoonOrPastDuePercent: '{0} of {1} direct reports are soon or past due ({2})', portfoliosPendingReviewPercent: '{0} of {1} direct reports are pending review ({2})', portfoliosReviewedPercent: '{0} of {1} direct reports reviewed ({2})', position: 'Position', positionManagement: 'Position Management', positions: 'Positions', postedBy: 'Posted by', postVisitNotes: 'Post Visit Notes', preview: 'Preview', previousScores: 'Previous Scores', previousSurveys: 'Previous Surveys', primaryAssignment: 'Primary/feed-synchronized assignment (cannot modify)', printableEventsCalendar: 'Printable Monthly Training Calendar', printableMonthlyTrainingCalendar: 'Printable Monthly Training Calendar', privateResults: 'Private Results', prizeDate: 'Prize Awarded On', proceed: 'Proceed', professionalDevelopment: 'Professional Development (pDEV)', profile: 'Profile', profiles: 'User Profiles', projectedThroughTheEndOf: 'Projected Through the End of {0}', projectListing: 'Project Listing', projects: 'Projects', projectsOwned: 'Owned', projectsCoaching: 'Coached', projectsMember: 'Member', projectsCreated: 'Created', promiseToPromise: 'Promise to Promise', proposeChangeOrNewFeature: 'Propose a Change or New Feature', pTasks: 'P-Tasks', pulseSurveyInformation: 'Pulse Survey Information', purge: 'Purge', question: 'Question', questionCount: '# Questions', recentGrowth: 'Recent Growth', recognizedBy: 'Recognized by', record: '[Record]', recurring: 'Recurring', refresh: 'Refresh', refresher: 'Refresher', registerToAttendThisEvent:'Register to attend this event.', reinstate: 'Reinstate', reportABug: 'Report a Bug', requestCancelAction: 'Cancel {0}', requestOf: 'Request of {0}', requests: 'Requests', requestsMadeOf: 'Requests Made of {0}', requestsMadeOfMe: 'Requests Made of Me', requestsReceived: 'Requests Received', requireAttestationCap: '{0} Require Attestation', requiresAttestation: 'Requires Attestation', requireAllAnswers: 'Require all answers', requestTaskOwnerUpdates: 'Request updates from overdue/soon due task owners', required: 'Required', requireRecompletion: 'Revoke all prior skill completions', requiresCoaching: 'Requires Coaching', removeFromLeadershipTeam: 'Remove from leadership team', removeFromResponseTeam: 'Remove from emergency response team', rentalCar: 'Rental Car', resource: 'Resource', resourceType: 'Resource Type / Community', responses: 'Responses', restore: 'Restore', results: 'Results', returnTo: 'Return to {0}', reviewed: 'Reviewed', reviewedBy: 'Reviewed By', reviewedOnDate: 'Reviewed on {0}', reviews: 'Reviews', reviewsByUser: 'Reviews by {0}', revisedBy: 'Last Revised By', revisionDate: 'Revision Date', revocation: 'Revocation', revoke: 'Revoke', revoked: 'Revoked', revokedElective: 'Elective Completion Revoked', ripple: 'Ripple', ripples: 'Ripples', rippleMaker: 'Ripple Maker', rippleMakerPlural: 'Ripple Maker(s)', role: 'Role', roleManagement: 'Role Management', roles: 'Roles', salaried: 'Salaried', salesActivities: 'Sales Activities', salesActivitiesFormat: 'Sales Activities | {0}', salesAudit: 'Sales Audit', save: 'Save', score: 'Score', searchParameters: 'Search Parameters', search: 'Search', secondLastWeekOfTheMonth: '2nd to Last Week of the Month', section: 'Section', selectAMonth: 'Select a Month', selectedResource: 'Selected {0}', selectResource: 'Select {0}', self: 'Self', send: 'Send', sendInvitationToAttendees: 'Send an invitation to added instructors and attendees with email', sendNotifications: 'Send notifications', sendNotificationConfirmTitle: 'Send notification?', server: 'Server', share: 'Share', showAll: 'Show All', showAllRipples: 'Show all Ripples', showLess: 'Show Less', site: 'Site', siteVisit: 'Site Visit', siteVisitStandardTaskManagement: 'Site Visit Standard Task Management', skill: 'Skill', skillDetails: 'Skill Details', skillListing: 'Skill Listing', skills: 'Skills', skillsAreInProgress: '{0} skill(s) are in progress (but still incomplete).', skillsAreNotYetDue: '{0} skill(s) are not yet due.', skillsArePastDue: '{0} skill(s) are past due or expired.', skillsAreSoonDue: '{0} skill(s) are soon due or expire soon.', skillsAssigned: '{0} skills assigned', skillCompletion: 'Skill Completion', skillsHaveBeenCompleted:'{0} skill(s) have been completed.', skippedOrNotTaken: 'Skipped or Not Taken', skipForever: 'Skip Forever', skipSurvey: 'Skip this survey', skipSurveysForOneHour: 'Skip survey for 1 hour', skipSurveysForToday: 'Skip survey for today', slideshowConfiguration: 'Slideshow Configuration', someone: 'Someone', somewhatAgree: 'Somewhat agree', somewhatDisagree: 'Somewhat disagree', soonDue: 'Soon Due', soonDueLabel: 'Coming due on', specifyManually: 'Specify Manually', standardManagement: 'Standard Management', standardReviewFor: 'Standard Review For', standard: 'Standard', standards: 'Standards', standardsCompliance: 'Standards Compliance', startDate: 'Start Date', startedOn: 'Started on', state: 'State', states: 'States', status: 'Status', stepNumber: 'STEP {0}', story: 'Story', strategyManagement: 'Strategy Management', stretch: 'Stretch', stronglyAgree: 'Strongly agree', stronglyDisagree: 'Strongly disagree', suggestions: 'Suggestions', subGroup: 'Sub Group', submittedBy: 'Submitted By', subTitle: 'Sub-Title', supervisor: 'Supervisor', supervisory: 'Supervisory', surveyedUser: 'Surveyed User', surveyQuestions: 'Survey Questions', surveys: 'Surveys', system: 'System', target: 'Commitment', task: 'Task', taught: 'Taught', template: 'Template', templateManagement: 'Template Management', terminationDate: 'Termination Date', text: 'Text', thisSurvey: 'This Survey', thrivedOn: 'Thrived On', time: 'Time', title: 'Title', to: 'To', today: 'Today', topic: 'Topic', total: 'Total', totalIncompleteReviews: '{0} total incomplete reviews', trainee: 'Trainee', training: 'Training', trainingRecordReport: 'Training Record Report', trainingType: 'Training Type', transitionDate: 'Transition Date', transportation: 'Transportation', travel: 'Travel', twitter: 'Twitter', type: 'Type', unanswered: 'Unanswered', unassigned: 'Unassigned', unattested: 'Unattested', unclassified: 'Unclassified', undoRevocation: 'Undo Revocation', unregisterToAttendThisEvent: 'Unregister from this event.', upcomingMilestones: 'Actions Past Due/Soon Due', update: 'Update', updatedBy: 'Updated By', updatedDate: 'Updated Date', url: 'Url', user: 'User', userManagement: 'User Management', userName: 'Username', users: 'Users', userTimeZone: 'Your current time zone is {0}.', vacantNotReady: 'Vacant Not Ready', vacantReady: 'Vacant-Ready', value: 'Value', variance: 'Variance', vendor: 'Training Content Vendor', vendors: 'Training Content Vendors', versionNumber: 'Version {0}', video: 'Video', video:'Video', videos: 'Videos', view: 'View', viewAllAwardsFor:'View all awards for {0}', viewAssignedUsers:'View assigned users', viewDetails: 'View Details', viewTrainingGuide: 'View instructor guide', visionBoard: 'Vision Board', visionItem: 'Vision Item', visionNationalHeadquarters:'Watermark Vision', visionWatermark:'WaterMark', warning: 'Warning', watermark: 'Watermark', watermarkAll: 'Watermark (All)', watermarks: 'Watermarks', week: 'Week', weeklyFormat: 'Week {0}', weeklyTrainingCalendar: 'Weekly Training Calendar', weeks: 'Weeks', winner: 'Winner', wonOn: 'Won on', wrcEntries: 'WRC Entries', writeAComment: 'Write a comment...', year: 'Year', years: 'Years', yes: 'Yes', zip: 'Zip Code' }; var messages = { achievementSmsConfirmation: 'Any awarded associate(s) with a mobile number on record will receive an SMS text message. Are you sure you want to proceed?', actionMyReflectionComments: 'Comments on my action (projects and requests) during this period.', actionOtherReflectionComments: 'Comments on {0}\'s action (projects and requests) during this period.', actionPlanForPulseSurvey: 'Action plan for pulse survey', actualValuesAutomaticallyPopulated: 'Actual values are automatically populated from the data source noted above once Commitment data is entered. No manual entry is necessary.', addTaleConfirmation: '
It can be hard to define a Ripple, but all Ripples should fit the following criteria. A Ripple:

Although the following could absolutely be High Thrives, a Ripple is definitely not:

Finally, while residents make “Ripples” all the time, a Ripple story in WatermarkConnect must be a story of an associate making a difference for someone.

One last thing: national Ripples are the stories you expect people to tell for years. These should be stories that not only rise above the rest, but that other communities can replicate or learn from when they reflect on how they might make their own Ripples. If you have the power to elevate a Ripple to national status, use that power wisely.
', addTaleConfirmationTitle: 'Proceed with adding a Ripple?', associatedSkillsHaveNotBeenCompleted: 'You must first complete the associated skills for the Policy before attesting.', associateStatusReportAttestationNotRequired: '{0} associates have assigned but not requiring attestation.', associateStatusReportAttestationPastDue: '{0} associates have past due. {1}', associateStatusReportAttestationRequired: '{0} associates have unattested. {1}', associateStatusReportAttestationSoonDue: '{0} associates have soon due. {1}', associateStatusReportAttested: '{0} associates have attested. {1}', atLeastOneIsRequired: 'At least one {0} is required.', atLeastOneMustBeSelected: 'At least one {0} must be selected.', attestationRevoked: 'Attestation Successfully Revoked', attestedSuccessfully: 'Successfully Attested', awardDelete: 'the award record for {0} received on {1}', awardStatusRevoked: 'Revoked on {0} by {1}', awardTypeDelete: 'the award type {0}', breakthroughProjectPurgeConfirmation: 'This project contains at least one completed Action. Purging this project will purge all Actions, which will prevent users from having these Actions on their Portfolio. Are you sure you would like to purge {0}?', calendarInviteSentSuccessfully: 'Calendar Invite Sent Successfully', callPersonViaDirectDial: 'Call {0} via direct dial', callPersonViaMobilePhone: 'Call {0} via mobile phone', callPersonViaOfficePhone: 'Call {0} via office phone', cancelActionWarning: 'Closing now will cancel the action in progress. Are you sure you wish to cancel the {0} action?', cancelledSuccessfully: 'Cancelled Successfully.', cannotAddToOutlookUntilSaved: 'Cannot add to Outlook/Calendar until Site Visit/Item is saved', cannotAddToOutlookWithoutOwnerOrParticipant: 'Cannot add to Outlook/Calendar without at least an Owner or Participant added to the task.', cannotPurgeSurveyTemplateIfUsed: 'Cannot purge a template that is used by a survey.', cannotPurgeTemplateIfUsed: 'Cannot purge a standard that has reviews or is used on a portfolio or strategic plan.', cannotPurgeValueInUse: 'Cannot purge. Value in use.', clickHereToChangePassword: 'Click here to change your password.', cloneStandardsErrorMessage: '

The Clone has already been run.
This transaction should only be run once per year to initialize the Standards and line items for the following year.

', cloneStandardsInfoMessage: '
This will clone all active Standards and line items from the current year into copies for next year.
Once this transaction is complete, changes to the line items or Standards for a given year will only affect that year.
This will allow work to begin on next year\'s Standards.
NOTE: You will still be able to modify standards and line items from previous years
This will create copies of {0} active Standards and {1} active Line Items.
Clone Standards from year: {2}
', coachingHoursCompleteOfRequired: '{0} coaching hours have been completed of the required {1}.', coachingHoursCompleteOfRequiredFor: '{0} coaching hours have been completed of the required {1} hours for {2} LEs and In-services.', coachingODPHoursCompleteOfRequiredFor: '{0} coaching hours have been completed of the required {1} hours for {2} associate(s).', coachingSupervisorHoursCompleteOfRequiredFor:'{0} coaching hours have been completed of the required {1} hours for {2} associate(s).', commentsOnMyPerformanceDuringThisPeriodCoached: 'Comments on my performance as a KPI coach during this period.', commentsOnMyPerformanceDuringThisPeriodMember: 'Comments on my performance as a KPI member during this period.', commentsOnMyPerformanceDuringThisPeriodOwner: 'Comments on my performance as a KPI owner during this period.', commentsOnOtherPerformanceDuringThisPeriodCoached: 'Comments on {0}\'s performance as a KPI coach during this period.', commentsOnOtherPerformanceDuringThisPeriodMember: 'Comments on {0}\'s performance as a KPI member during this period.', commentsOnOtherPerformanceDuringThisPeriodOwner: 'Comments on {0}\'s performance as a KPI owner during this period.', completedReviewOn: 'Completed review on {0}.', completeOf: '{0} completed of {1}.', configurePageDragMessage: 'Move panels by using your mouse. Click in the header of a panel to drag the panel to a new location. Click "Configure Page" when finished.', configurePageDragTitle: 'Move panels by dragging to new location', confirmActivate: 'Are you sure you want to restore {0}?', confirmAttest: 'I am confirming that I have read, understand, and agree to follow this policy.', confirmBroadSearch: 'This broad search may return too many irrelevant results to be helpful. Are you sure you would like to proceed?', confirmCancelEvent: 'Are you sure you want to cancel the event?', confirmCancelEventInstance: 'Are you sure you want to cancel the occurrence of the event?', confirmCancelEventSeries: 'Are you sure you want to cancel the remaining occurrences of the event?', confirmChangeOutcomeFrequency: 'Changing the Outcome Frequency will reset all values, and historical data will be lost forever. Are you sure you want to proceed?', confirmChangeOutcomeFrequencyTemplate: 'Changing the Outcome Frequency will reset all values for all KPIs linked to this template, and historical data will be lost forever. Are you sure you want to proceed?', confirmChangeOutcomeType: 'Changing the Outcome Type will reset all values, and historical data will be lost forever. Are you sure you want to proceed?', confirmChangeOutcomeTypeTemplate: 'Changing the Outcome Type will reset all values for all KPIs linked to this template, and historical data will be lost forever. Are you sure you want to proceed?', confirmChangeOutcomeYears: 'Historical data for deleted years will be lost forever. Are you sure you want to proceed?', confirmCommitmentTemplate: 'A template has already been chosen. Continuing will reset Documents on the Key Performance Indicator. Are you sure you want to use this template?', confirmCompleteSiteVisitTitle: 'Are you sure you want to complete this site visit?', confirmCompleteSiteVisitMessage: 'Are you sure you want to complete this site visit? This will only allow entering post-visit notes and comments. No other changes will be allowed.', confirmDeactivateCommunity: 'Are you sure you want to deactivate {0}? All active associates assigned only to the community will be terminated, and its contracted instructors\' acounts will be deactivated, as well.', confirmDelete: 'Are you sure you want to delete {0}? ', confirmDeleteMeetEvent: 'Are you sure you would like to delete the Meeting: \'{0}\'?', confirmDeleteSkillCompletionForTrainee: 'Are you sure you would like to purge {0} for this trainee\'s completion?', confirmDeleteSkillCompletionsForAllTrainees: 'Are you sure you would like to purge {0} for all of this completion\'s trainees?', confirmImpersonate: 'Are you sure you want to impersonate {0}?', confirmMergeBinder: 'Are you sure you want to merge chapters and policies with another binder and purge this binder?', confirmMergeChapter: 'Are you sure you want to merge policies with another chapter and purge this chapter?', confirmMigrateStatusHistoryData: 'Data will be populated with results from status reports. It will be translated into monthly values as closely as possible. Would you like to proceed?', confirmOpenGlobalTemplate: 'Any unsaved changes to this template will be lost. Are you sure you wish to switch to the Global Template?', confirmPhotoDelete:'Are you sure you want to purge this photo?', confirmProjectTemplate: 'A template has already been chosen. Continuing will reset Actions, Resources, and Documents on the project. Are you sure you want to use this template?', confirmPurge: 'Are you sure you would like to purge {0}?', confirmPurgeBinder: 'Are you ABSOLUTELY certain you want to purge this binder? This action will also purge all contained chapters and policies!', confirmPurgeStory: 'Are you sure you would like to remove story {0} from this chapter?', confirmRevokeAward: 'Are you sure you want to revoke this partner status?', confirmRecordCoachingCompletion: 'I hereby confirm that the selected associates have been coached according to the criteria described in the Coaching Requirements of the learning experience or In-service, as well as the instructor guide, if pertinent.', confirmRecordLearningExperience: 'I hereby confirm that the selected associates have attended this training and that it was conducted per the instructor guide.', confirmRecordOnlineTraining: 'I hereby confirm that the selected associate has completed / passed this online training but that, due to a computer glitch, was not recorded properly.', confirmRecordSelfPaced: 'I hereby confirm that the selected associate has completed this training, fulfilling the specified knowledge requirements.', confirmRegisterEvent: 'Are you sure you want to register for {0}?', confirmRequestSendNotification: 'Request details have changed. Send notification to all requested users?', confirmRevoke: 'In my view, {0} does not have an adequate understanding of {1} and must review it before attesting again.', confirmSaveMultipleUserAwards: 'You are about to save an achievement for multiple users. This will create individual achievements for each user that can only be edited individually. Are you sure wish to save this achievement for multiple users?', confirmSaveSection: 'You are about to save a global section. This will go out to every associate in WatermarkConnect.\nIf you wanted to assign the section to a single community or a smaller group of associates, please cancel and add at least one Assignment.\n\nAre you sure you want to create a global section?', confirmSaveSectionTitle: 'Are you sure you want to create a global section?', confirmSaveSurvey: 'You are about to save a global survey. This will go out to every associate in WatermarkConnect.\nIf you wanted to send to a single community or a smaller group of associates, please cancel and add at least one Assignment.\n\nAre you sure you want to create a global survey?', confirmSaveSurveyTitle: 'Are you sure you want to create a global survey?', confirmSkipSurveyForever: 'Are you sure you want to skip this survey forever?', confirmSelfCommitment: 'I got this!\nI don’t require a coach for the Key Performance Indicator and will enter my status reports to update my supervisor on the Key Performance Indicator’s progress.', confirmSelfProject: 'I got this!\nI don’t require a coach for the Project and will enter my status reports to update my supervisor on the Project’s progress.', confirmSiteVisitStandardReviewCompleteTitle: 'Confirm standard review is complete', confirmSiteVisitStandardReviewCompleteMessage: 'By marking this training complete I confirm that I will also complete a standard review or that the review has already been completed', confirmSiteVisitTrainingCompleteTitle: 'Confirm training is complete', confirmSiteVisitTrainingCompleteMessage: 'By marking this training complete I confirm that I will also award trainees credit for this training in the Learning Center.', confirmSkipAllSurveys: 'This will mark all surveys as skipped. You will not have a chance to take these surveys later. Skip all and return to Connect?', confirmUpdateProjectDates: 'An action begins or is due outside the range of the project. The project dates will be adjusted.', confirmUpdateSeries: 'Are you sure you want to update this event series? Any changes made to specific future events in this series, including registered attendees, will be deleted so that they may be reset.', confirmValidateSkillDemonstrationForAssociate: 'I hereby confirm that the selected associates have demonstrated their respective in-progress skills above, fulfilling each skill’s required demonstration criteria.', confirmValidateSkillsForAssociate: 'I hereby confirm the validity of this previous experience in the above skills for the selected associate.', dateCannotBeBeforeDate: '{0} cannot be before {1}.', defaultProjectHypothesisForPulseSurvey: 'If we rapidly and effectively address concerns revealed by pulse surveys then the community’s financial and engagement metrics will improve because pulse surveys are a measure of the overall health of a community or department.', defaultReviewHypothesis: 'If I score 100% on my Standards then I can focus on the more creative and innovative part of my job because my Standards will be in place.', deletedSuccessfully: 'Deleted Successfully.', duplicateDepartments: 'A Department with the same name already exists.', duplicateFTag: 'An F-Tag with the same name or code already exists.', duplicateOrganization: 'A community with the same name already exists.', duplicatePositions: 'A Position with the same title already exists.', deletingThisWillPurgeEvents: 'There are upcoming events scheduled which will be purged if you delete this {0}. Do you wish to proceed?', editLotteryWinner: 'Edit lottery winner', emailPerson: 'Email {0}', emailSentSuccessfully: 'Email sent successfully', errorOccurred: 'An error has occurred.', feedbackSentSuccessfully: 'Feedback Sent Successfully.', globalAnnouncementConfirmation: 'Are you sure you want to send this message to every associate in the company? To limit your audience, add the appropriate group using the visibility tab.', googleSignInBlocked: 'Could not open Google Sign-In. Check if popups are being blocked in your browser.', guestAlreadyAdded: 'The email address of the guest has already been added: {0}.', helpRequestSentSuccessfully: 'Help Request Sent Successfully.', hiddenSuccessfully: 'Hidden Successfully', inserviceHoursCompletedOfRequired: '{0} In-service hours have been completed of the annually required {1}.', invalidFileExtension: 'Invalid file extension.', invalidUrl: 'Invalid Url.', itemsFound: '{0} items found', itemsMarkedForPurge: '{0} items marked for purge.', learningCenterDashboardInservicesAssigned: '{0} In-services assigned in total.', learningCenterDashboardInservicesAssignedToDirectReports: '{0} In-services assigned to direct reports.', learningCenterDashboardSkillsAssigned:'{0} skills assigned in total.', linkCopied: 'Link copied.', lineItemAlreadyExistsInStandard:'One or more selected line items already exists in Standard.', madeARippleOn: '{0} made a ripple on {1}.', maxResourcesAllowed: 'Maximum of {0} resources allowed per line item.', maxUsersAllowed: 'Maximum of {0} users allowed.', meetCreatedSuccesfully: 'Meet Scheduled Succesfully', migrateStatusHistoryDataWarning: 'One or more months had more than one corresponding status report. In these instances, only the first value was imported.', missingDataForOneOrMoreCommunities: 'Missing Actual data point for one or more communities', missingYearForOneOrMoreCommunities: 'Missing data for this year for one or more communities', mostCommunitiesHaveNotYetEnteredDateForThisPeriod: 'MOST COMMUNITIES HAVE NOT YET ENTERED DATA FOR THIS PERIOD.', mustBeGreaterThanNumber: '{0} must be greater than {1}.', mustBeGreaterThanOrEqualToNumber: '{0} must be greater than or equal to {1}.', mustBeLessThanOrEqualToNumber: '{0} must be less than or equal to {1}.', noActionPlannedToImpact: 'No action planned to impact {0}', noAssociatesWereSurveyed: 'No {0} associates were surveyed.', noAssociatesWereSurveyedAt: 'No {0} associates were surveyed at {1}.', notAssignedToAnyInstructorsFromThisCommunity: 'Not assigned to any qualified instructors from this community', notThisWeek: 'Not This Week', numberOfAssociatesAssignedThisPolicy: '{0} associates assigned this policy.', numberOfAssociatesReportDirectly: '{0} associates report directly.', numberOfPoliciesAssignedToDirectReports: '{0} policies assigned to direct reports.', oneItemFound: '1 item found', oneOrMoreFieldsRequiresAttention: 'One or more fields requires your attention in order to save.', onlineCorrespondingQuiz: 'To complete the skills taught by this online lesson, launch a corresponding quiz:', onlineLeaving: 'Are you sure you want to leave without completing this online training?', onlineQuizCompleted: 'Completion of this online quiz has been recorded.', onlineQuizFailed: 'You have not passed this quiz and must take it again in order to acquire its associated skills. Would you like to try again?', onlineRefresher: 'This online training is a refresher and will not be recorded.', onlineTrainingCompletedRecently: 'Because you have viewed this training within the past 90 days, its completion will not be recorded.', onlineTrainingInstructor: 'Because you are an instructor, you have the option of either presenting this online training for a group you are teaching, where this training is not recorded, or taking it for your own training purposes, where it is recorded. How would you like to proceed?', onlineTrainingOnDemandCompleted: 'Completion of this Training on Demand presentation has been recorded.', onlineVideoCompleted: 'Completion of this online video has been recorded.', partnerSurveySelfIntroText: '

Watermark is committed to a culture of honesty, transparency, and self-improvement. Honest, actionable feedback about your habits at Watermark has been requested so that you can better understand their strengths and opportunities for improvement. You\'re not receiving this survey in error; your own self-reflection is important, and you and your supervisor will both need to complete this step before you can see results.

Please take 10 minutes to practice some self-reflection and think about how you\'re showing up at work—because we all need a little perspective sometimes. If you\'re not able to take the survey now, simply skip for the moment and find it later on your survey dashboard.

After the survey, you will be presented with aggregated results and your supervisor\'s, reports\', and partners\' comments.

', partnerSurveySelfSkipWarning: '{0}: You are not seeing this survey in error! You must evaluate yourself using this 360° survey before the survey will close.', passwordCannotBeChanged: 'The password may not be changed for this account.', passwordChangedSuccessfully: 'Password changed successfully.', passwordChangeTooSoon: 'It is too soon to change the password. Passwords must be used for at least {0} days before being changed. Please try again after {1}.', passwordComplexityApplication: 'The password must contain at least one character from each of the following categories:', passwordComplexityLowerCase: 'At least one lowercase letter', passwordComplexityNumber: 'At least one numeric digit (0-9)', passwordComplexityOther: 'At least one special character not from the other categories (such as a glyph or Asian character)', passwordComplexityPunctuation: 'At least one non-alphanumeric character/punctuation from the following: ~ ! @ # $ % ^ & * _ - + = ` | \ ( ) { } [ ] : ; " ' < > , . ? /', passwordComplexityRequirements: 'The password must contain characters from at least 3 of the following 5 categories:', passwordComplexityUpperCase: 'At least one uppercase letter', passwordContainsFirstName: 'The password must not contain the first name or nickname associated with the account.', passwordContainsLastName: 'The password must not contain the last name associated with the account.', passwordContainsMiddleName: 'The password must not contain the middle name associated with the account.', passwordContainsRequirements: 'The password must not contain the username, nickname, first name, middle name, or last name associated with the account.', passwordContainsUsername: 'The password must not contain the username for the account.', passwordDoesNotMeetRequirements: 'The new password does not meet requirements.', passwordExpired: 'Your password has expired.', passwordExpirationImminent: 'Your password expires within {0} hours.', passwordExpiresRedirect: 'Click "OK", or wait a few seconds, and you will be redirected to set a new password momentarily...', passwordExpiresSoon: 'Your password expires in {0} days.', passwordHasBeenReset: 'Password has been reset.', passwordHistoryRequirement: 'The password must not match any of the previous {0} used for the account.', passwordMustBeChanged: 'You must reset your password now.', passwordNeverChanged: 'Your password has never been changed from the default.', passwordNotComplexEnough: 'The password is not complex enough and also requires characters from at least {0} of the following {1} categories:', passwordReset: 'Your password has been reset.', passwordTooShort: 'The password must have at least {0} characters.', passwordUsedPreviously: 'This password has been used before but must not match any of your previous {0} passwords.', pendingAssociateReview: 'Pending associate review.', pendingReviewBy: 'Pending review by {0}.', photoDeletedSuccessfully:'Photo deleted successfully.', policyMissingBinderAndChapter: 'Before you may activate this policy the Binder and Chapter must be assigned.', policyStatusAttested: 'Attested on {0}.', policyStatusDue: 'This policy must be attested by {2}.', policyStatusNewVersion: 'A new version requiring re-attestation has been posted.', policyStatusNotRequired: 'Attestation is not required.', policyStatusPastDue: 'Attestation became past due on {2}.', policyStatusReportAttestationNotRequired: '{0} policies assigned do not require attestation.', policyStatusReportAttestationPastDue: '{0} policies past due for attestation. {1}', policyStatusReportAttestationRequired: '{0} policies require attestation but not yet due. {1}', policyStatusReportAttestationSoonDue: '{0} policies soon due for attestation. {1}', policyStatusReportAttested: '{0} policies attested. {1}', policyStatusReportNumberOfAssignedPolicies: '{0} policies assigned in total.', policyStatusRevoked: 'Attestation revoked by {0} on {1}.', policyViewRequired: 'You must first review the most current Policy and Procedure before attesting.', populatedFromDataSourceNotedAbove: '{0} values are automatically populated from the data source(s) noted above. No manual entry is necessary.', portfolioReviewNeverDone: 'You have never had a portfolio review! Talk to your supervisor about how to get started.', portfolioReviewOverdue: 'You are {0} days overdue for a portfolio review!', portfolioReviewSchedule: 'Schedule a portfolio review within the next {0} days.', profileSocialMediaTooltip: 'For example, if the URL to your {0} profile is {1}, enter "{2}".', purgedSuccessfully: 'Purged Successfully.', questionAlreadyExistsOnTemplate: 'One or more selected questions already exists on the template.', questionNumberOfTotal: 'Question {0} of {1}', quizHasNoActiveSkills: 'This quiz has no skills and will not be recorded.', recordPrizeForLotteryWinner: 'Record prize for lottery winner', redirectInSeconds: 'Redirecting in {0} seconds.', refresherNotRecorded: 'A refresher may not be recorded.', registeredSuccessfully: 'Registered Successfully.', regionalResourceInstructorForOtherCommunities: 'This qualified instructor is a regional resource but not for any of the selected communities.', requestUserSelectWarningCount: 'You are about to select {0} associates. Are you sure you want to continue?', requestUsersOfUsersHaveResponded: '{0} of {1} have responded', requiredField: '{0} is required.', requiresRecompletionConfirmation: 'Are you sure you want to require re-completion by all associates assigned this skill? This action is not reversible.', restoredSuccessfully: 'Restored Successfully.', savedSuccessfully: 'Saved Successfully.', siteNotReachable: 'Site could not be reached. Please check your connection/VPN, and try again.', skillDefrockConfirmation: 'Are you sure you want to remove this skill, requiring the associate to re-complete it, if assigned?', skillDefrockedStatus: 'Skill removed by {0} on {1}', skillRequiresRecompletionStatus: 'Skill updated on {0} and requires re-completion', siteVisitProjectDefaultWhy: 'If we create action plans after a community site visit then we will ensure the value of the site visit because we will have moved things into action and completed them.', standardReviewNotRecentWarning: 'At least one review should be done every quarter. Your last review was a {0} review on {1} ({2} days ago).', stateOrOrganizationMustBeSpecified: 'Either state or community must be specified.', storyAddedSuccessfully: 'Story added successfully', successfullyUpdatedLookup: 'Successfully updated lookup.', surveyEmployeePay: 'Employee Pay: {0} {1}', surveyIntroMessage: 'Thank you for taking time to complete this survey.\nThis should take less than 5 minutes.\n\nAt the end of the survey, you will have the opportunity to leave suggestions and feedback.\n\nThank you,', surveyLastSentDate: 'Survey last sent {0}', surveyNextScheduledForDate: 'Survey next scheduled for {0}', surveyWatermarkCommunityYouWorkAt: 'Watermark community you work at: {0}', thisMadeFeel: 'This made {0} feel {1}', unableToFindById: 'Could not find {0} by Id {1}.', undoSkillRevocationConfirmation: 'Are you sure you want to undo this skill revocation?', unhiddenSuccessfully: 'Unhidden Successfully', unregisteredSuccessfully: 'Unregistered Successfully.', userCreatedSuccessfully: 'User created successfully.', valueMustBeAValidWholeNumber: '{0} must be a valid whole number.', vendorMustHaveOnlineOrClassContent: 'Vendor must have online or instructor-led content.', viewAssignedUsersTooltip: 'View matching users (assigned and not excluded)', viewLotteryWinner: 'View lottery winner', watermarkLinkedSuccessfully: 'Watermark linked successfully', youHaveNDirectReportsPortfoliosAwaitingYourComments: 'You have {0} direct reports\' portfolios awaiting your comments:', youWonTheWeek: 'You Won the Week!' }; var formats = { annualTrainingFormat: '{0} Q{1} - {2}', associatesCompletedFormat: '{0} associates completed', associatesSkippedFormat: '{0} associates skipped', associatesNotTakenFormat: '{0} associates did not take', bracketFormat: '[{0}] {1}', businessPlanTitleFormat: '{0} {1} {2}', dashFormat: '{0} - {1}', displayNameFormat: '{0} {1} ({2})', facebookUrlFormat: '{0}', fullDateTimeFormat: 'MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss.sss', linkedInUrlFormat: '{0}', paragraphHTML: '


', planTitleFormat: '{0}-{1} {2} {3}', plusValueMoreFormat: '+{0} more', postBracketFormat: '{0} [{1}]', pTaskFrequencyFormat: '{0} of {1} hours ({2}%)', quarterFormat: 'Q{0} - {1}', shortDateFormat: 'MM/dd/yyyy', simpleUserFormat: '{0} {1}', surveyDataTooltipFormat: '{0} ({1} responses given by {2} associates)', twitterUrlFormat: '{0}', winTheWeekTitleFormat: '{0} to {1} {2} {3}', wordSpaceParenthesisFormat: '{0} ({1})', yearBudgetFormat: '{0} Budget' }; Object.freeze(labels); Object.freeze(messages); Object.freeze(formats); Object.freeze(nonDefaultCultures);